As your dedicated representative in the State House, one of my key priorities is safeguarding healthcare through the promotion of Medicaid expansion. South Carolina has been among the select ten states that have historically opted against broadening Medicaid eligibility, denying crucial federal aid. I remain steadfast in my commitment to advocating for the acceptance of these federal funds by the Legislature. This funding would alleviate 90% of the expansion expenses, leaving only a 10% responsibility for the state. Embracing this initiative not only boosts healthcare accessibility but also catalyzes job creation and income upsurge within our community. Broadening the scope ensures that individuals with incomes up to 138% above the poverty threshold can qualify, a move favored by many constituents but facing resistance from current lawmakers due to ideological differences. The time has come for transformation to secure affordable healthcare for all those in need. Let’s strive towards a healthier and more prosperous future for our community. Let's work together to ensure that every individual in our district has access to the healthcare they deserve. Let's join hands to make a positive difference in the lives of our fellow community members.

For more information about the South Carolina State House considering expanding Medicaid see:

How Closing the Healthcare Coverage Gap Could Change South Carolina

The South Carolina State House Bill H. 3206

SC lawmakers may finally consider expanding Medicaid after rejecting $17.6B

Gov. McMaster vetoes potential healthcare study committee intended to consider Medicaid expansion

Affordable Health Insurance