We need change in our State House. We need someone willing to advocate strongly for working families and workers’ rights. We must increase education funding, support our teachers for better schools, ensure healthcare for all, address climate change, foster job creation, and back small businesses. Additionally, we need to combat the fentanyl crisis and prioritize making our communities safer. Although Anderson has seen many positive developments in recent years, a significant portion of the population has been left behind. I am asking for your vote to bring progress to every individual in the 6th district of South Carolina’s State House of Representatives.

The Change we Need to:

Provide Healthcare for All

Protect Women’s Healthcare Rights

Provide substance abuse and mental healthcare

Fight for a Higher Minimum Wage

Increase funding for our schools

Hire more full-time teachers

Protect our climate

Protect workers rights

Stop Project 2025

End Poverty

I’m running to be a strong voice for the hardworking people of District 6. Our community deserves effective leadership that will fight for more economic opportunities, better schools, and an accountable government."

An End to Partisan Politics

Partisan politics is greatly hindering the progress of our state. South Carolina's state house has a history of cooperation, with both Democrats and Republicans coming together for the betterment of our state. Unfortunately, this spirit of bipartisanship is quickly fading, largely because of the disruptive actions of the Freedom Caucus. This faction actively disrupts the functioning of government, wasting precious legislative time that could be used for advancing reforms. Their agenda includes rolling back women's rights, and civil liberties, cutting healthcare funding, and opposing investments in education, infrastructure, and job creation efforts. These obstructive measures are detrimental to South Carolina's development. It is crucial to put a stop to their harmful impact without delay. A change in leadership is necessary, especially as my opponent is currently associated with the obstructive Freedom Caucus in this electoral contest. As your elected Representative, I am committed to bridging the divide and fostering cooperation among all parties to ensure that our district continues to thrive. Unlike my opponent, my approach is centered on bipartisanship, striving to deliver positive outcomes that benefit every member of our community.